または少し手間にはなってしまうのですが、再インストールや、Preference>Initialize ZBrush(ZBrushのUI設定初期化)を押して見ると良いかもしれません。あと詳細なCPU及び、グラフィックボード、Wacomの筆圧カーブやマッピングの設定が悪さをしていないかどうかをみてみることをおすすめします。
(I’ve did some translation of his post.if in case official are wondering whats going on. feel free to comment in English i’ll translate this related post if needed.)
I’ve used ZBrush for 3 days and I have 2 problems with my ui and pen tablet function.
Is there any one who has the same issue?
1.Zadd and Zsub’s brush settings inverses when using tablet.
/display cursor is correct but the function is inverted.
/this happens only on tablet, and when this is happening drawing with my mouse works just fine.
/this doesn’t happen when i boot ZBrush. only after some hours after doing some sculpting (it happened to me 5-6 times in 3days.)
/rebooting ZBrush fixes my problem.
/i had my tablet driver updated but it keeps on happening.
2.The custom ui breaks.
/after doing some actions on Zsketch’s EditSketch, AdaptiveSkin preview, MakepolyMesh3D the UI broke.
/this doesn’t fix by rebooting.
/this is still broke and i don’t know if can be repeated.
/OS: Win7 64bit (haven’t been updated to avoid windows 10 installation.)
/table 6.3.16-2 (i think he means wacom pentablet driver version number? -translation comment.)
/ZBrush 4R7P3(I brought it from pixologic directly)
/after purchase i’ve customized reading Sakaki-san’s book. + i did some adjustments for myself.
*I’m drawing manga and illustrations,so its a bit unusual 3 display arrangement.